
UPSC Mains 2021

Examine the uniqueness of tribal knowledge system when compared with mainstream knowledge and cultural systems.

General Studies Paper - 1, Topic: Tribal Affairs

Jan 12, 2023

2 min read

Tribal knowledge systems are unique in many ways when compared to mainstream knowledge and cultural systems. One of the key differences is that they are often passed down orally through generations, rather than being recorded in written form. This means that they are deeply rooted in the experiences and practices of the community, and are closely tied to the land and environment.


Another key feature of tribal knowledge systems is that they are highly holistic and interdisciplinary, often encompassing a wide range of areas including agriculture, medicine, spirituality, and governance. They also often have a strong emphasis on the connection between humans and nature, recognizing the interdependence of all living things.


One example of a unique aspect of tribal knowledge system is the way in which the indigenous people of Amazon rainforest have a deep understanding of the forest and its resources. They use a wide variety of plants for medicine, food, and other purposes, and have developed a sophisticated system of agricultural practices that allows them to live in harmony with the forest. Similarly, the traditional ecological knowledge of the Inuit people of Arctic region is an example of how the indigenous people have developed a deep understanding of the harsh environment in which they live and have used this knowledge to survive for generations.


In contrast, mainstream knowledge systems tend to be more compartmentalized and specialized, focusing on specific areas of study and often ignoring the connections between different fields. They also tend to be based on written records and scientific research, rather than on the accumulated experiences of a community.


In summary, tribal knowledge systems are unique because they are deeply rooted in the experiences and practices of the community, holistic and interdisciplinary, and closely tied to the land and environment. They are also passed down through generations orally and often have a strong connection between humans and nature.

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