
UPSC Mains 2022

Ramesh is State Civil Services Officer who got the opportunity of getting posted to the capital of a border State after rendering 20 years of service. Ramesh’s mother has recently been detected cancer and has been admitted in the leading cancer hospital of the city...

General Studies Paper - 4, Topic: Case Studies

Jan 06, 2023

3 min read



Ramesh is State Civil Services Officer who got the opportunity of getting posted to the capital of a border State after rendering 20 years of service. Ramesh’s mother has recently been detected cancer and has been admitted in the leading cancer hospital of the city. His two adolescent children have also got admission in one of the best public schools of the town. After settling down in his appointment as Director in the Home Department of the State, Ramesh got confidential report through intelligence sources that illegal migrants are infiltrating in the State from the neighbouring country. He decided to personally carry out surprise check of the border posts along with his Home Department team. To his surprise, he caught red-handed two families of 12 members infiltrated with the connivance of the security personnel at the border posts. On further inquiry and investigation, it was found that after the migrants from neighbouring country infiltrate, their documentation like Aadhaar Card, Ration Card and Voter Card are also forged and they are made to settle down in a particular area of the State. Ramesh prepared the detailed and comprehensive report and submitted to the Additional Secretary of the State. However, he has summoned by the Additional Home Secretary after a week and was instructed to withdraw the report. The Additional Home Secretary informed Ramesh that the report submitted by him has not been appreciated by the higher authorities. He further cautioned him that if he fails to withdraw the confidential ort, he will not only be posted out from the prestigious appointment from the State capital but his further promotion which is due in near future will also get in jeopardy.


A. What are the options available to Ramesh as the Director of the Home Department of the bordering State?


B. What option should Ramesh adopt and why?


C. Critically evaluate each of the options.


4. What are the ethical dilemmas being faced by Ramesh?


5. What policy measures would you suggest to combat the menace of infiltration of illegal migrants from the neighbouring country?




A. The options available to Ramesh as the Director of the Home Department of the bordering state include:


  • Withdrawing the report as instructed by the Additional Home Secretary: This option would avoid any potential negative consequences for Ramesh's career, but it would also mean compromising on his professional ethics and potentially allowing illegal activity to continue unchecked.


  • Refusing to withdraw the report: This option would allow Ramesh to stand by his principles and expose the illegal infiltration and documentation of migrants, but it could result in negative consequences for his career, including the loss of his current position and potential promotions.


  • Seeking guidance from superiors or external sources: This option would allow Ramesh to seek guidance on how to handle the situation and potentially get support for his actions, but it may not guarantee any specific outcomes and could still result in negative consequences for his career.


B. The option that Ramesh should adopt is to refuse to withdraw the report. While this option may be the most difficult and potentially risky for Ramesh, it is the only one that allows him to maintain his integrity and fulfill his ethical obligations as a public servant. By exposing the illegal infiltration and documentation of migrants, Ramesh can demonstrate his commitment to upholding the rule

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