
UPSC Mains 2022

Reforming the government delivery system through the Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme is a progressive step, but it has its limitations too. Comment.

General Studies Paper - 2, Topic - Direct Benefit Transfer

Dec 29, 2022

2 min read

The Direct Benefit Transfer Scheme (DBT) is a government initiative in India that aims to reform the delivery system for various social welfare schemes and benefits by transferring them directly to the bank accounts of the beneficiaries. The DBT scheme aims to eliminate intermediaries and reduce leakages and corruption in the delivery of benefits, thereby improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the government's welfare programs.


While the DBT scheme is a progressive step towards reforming the government delivery system, it also has its limitations. Some of the limitations of the DBT scheme are:


1. Dependence on technology: The DBT scheme relies heavily on technology and requires beneficiaries to have access to a bank account and a mobile phone. This may exclude certain segments of the population, such as elderly people or those living in remote or rural areas, who may not have access to these technologies.


2. Incomplete coverage: The DBT scheme may not cover all social welfare schemes and benefits, and some schemes may still be delivered through intermediaries or in-kind transfers. This can lead to confusion and duplication of benefits among beneficiaries.


3. Administrative challenges: The DBT scheme involves a complex process of linking beneficiaries' bank accounts and mobile numbers to their entitlements, and requires coordination between various government agencies and banks. This can lead to administrative challenges and delays in the delivery of benefits.


Overall, while the DBT scheme has the potential to improve the delivery of social welfare benefits in India, it is important to address these limitations and ensure that it is implemented effectively and efficiently.

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